Affilite Banners
Below you will find a series of banners that you can use to promote Symtoys and Onyx.These banners are available in a wide variety of different sizes to fit your Web site layout. Choose the banner and size that's right for your layout.
To use the banners, you may link to them on our server or download the banner to your computer and uploa them to your server. Use your affiliate linking code as the banner's link.
For example, your code might look something like this:
<a href="">
<img src="" border="0" title="Onyx: The Game of Sexual Exploration" alt="Onyx: the Game of Sexual Exploration"></a>
Make sure you change the link shown in the "a href=" part to your lID number in order to get credit for your sales!
The SymToys affiliate program respects the privacy of all affiliates absolutely. The SymToys affiliate list is never sold, rented, or otherwise given to any other people for any reason whatsoever.
150x150 Square
120x240 Billboards
460x60 Banners
468x60 Banners
160x600 Skyscrapers
728x90 Banner